Saturday, 2 June 2012

June 1st: Week 4 Is Already Over!

The 4th week has come to an end and as per usual on Fridays, we gather for a two hour recap of our work thus far. We have recovered about 80 or more artifacts (which are still being cataloged) so Bob took some time to go through some of the significant finds and describe what they represent in context to the McKenzie Creek site. Many of the artifacts are found broken, damaged, or rusted so we make as much effort as possible to piece them back together. This helps us to gather diagnostics such as maker's marks and brand names from items so that we can get a better idea of how and when they were used.

 This is lantern glass that Spencer M is helping glue back together...

We can see the letters "SMP" on this lantern. We are currently doing some research on this piece to find out approximately when it was made.

Rust removed (via Spencer K's electrolysis methods) from this tin can bottom reveals the number "204". Perhaps we can use this information to find out which brand of can this is and what it might have contained.

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